Games which are entirely devoted to a single big puzzle, usually one that the player has to replay a number of times to get exactly right. Often these involve time restrictions or events that the player has to observe in order to manipulate.
1. Rematch, by Andrew D. Pontious (2000)
Average member rating:
Emily Short says:
2. Lock & Key
by Adam Cadre
Average member rating:
Emily Short says:
3. Varicella
by Adam Cadre
Average member rating:
Emily Short says:
4. All Things Devours, by half sick of shadows (2004)
Average member rating:
Emily Short says:
5. Möbius
by J.D. Clemens
Average member rating:
Emily Short says:
6. Orevore Courier
by Brian Rapp
Average member rating:
Emily Short says:
7. Make It Good
by Jon Ingold
Average member rating:
Emily Short says:
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