Recommended Lists mentioning Kerkerkruip
Go to this game's overviewPrevious | << 1 >> | NextIF Top 50 (2023) - 20 items
August 16, 2023A list by
Games to Try - 18 items
December 6, 2021A list by
A starter pack for those new to interactive fiction - 31 items
September 5, 2018A list by
MathBrushI had a list like this before which I deleted, but I noticed it had a lot of views on intfiction, so I thought I'd make a new one to help...
A Year on IFDB: The games that have stayed with me - 12 items
February 14, 2018A list by
SpikeAbout a year ago I discovered post-AGT interactive fiction. Since then I've played a lot of great IF games. This list consists of the...
Recommended list - 9 items
January 21, 2018A list by
IF Arcade - 5 items
June 14, 2017A list by
IvanrGraham Nelson once said that a text adventure is a "novel at war with a crossword puzzle". In some works, the novel wins, and in some the...
Best fantasy games - 68 items
January 12, 2016A list by
MathBrushThese are my favorite games that include some sort of magical or fantastical element. Games with mostly horror or sci-fi elements are on...
Most unusual games - 52 items
November 4, 2015A list by
MathBrushThese are games that are very different than most games on IFDB. Some games that are exceptional in execution (like Counterfeit Monkey)...
Übertweak playlist - 12 items
April 22, 2012A list by
DanniiPrevious | << 1 >> | Next