Recommended Lists mentioning Solarium
Go to this game's overviewPrevious | << 1 >> | NextBook Club Game List - 32 items
March 18, 2024A list by
PasserineA list of games played by the Unnamed IF Book Club.
Annotated list of best sci-fi games - 33 items
July 21, 2020A list by
MathBrushA few months ago, I thought, "There really aren't that many sci-fi IF games". Then I started going through old games I had played, and...
Historical Setting - 5 items
June 12, 2016A list by
TeaspoonSome good games with a historical setting. Will be added to as I go along.
2013 XYZZY Awards Nominees - 25 items
March 11, 2014A list by
MollyHere are the nominees for the 2013 XYZZY Awards, roughly by order of appearance on the finalist page. Note that this list does not cover... IF Playlist for the Brontoboards - 27 items
March 2, 2014A list by
MollyThis is a list I created as a general guide to interactive fiction for a thread I'm making on Brontoforumus. I'm trying to give a good... Previous | << 1 >> | Next