Recommended Lists mentioning Sub Rosa
Go to this game's overviewPrevious | << 1 >> | NextIFDB Top 100 - 100 items
December 2, 2024A list by
PegbiterAn automatically updated list utilizing an IMDb style Bayes estimator to calculate weighted ratings based on all IFDB ratings. Questions...
Free IF Playoffs - 64 items
October 14, 2024A list by
OtisTDogA fan-driven tournament held at between the 64 highest-rated games on IFDB as of June 7, 2024. More information about the...
Alien settings - 5 items
August 9, 2023A list by
HellzonGames with interesting alien worlds, or strange protagonists.
2020 Alternative Top 100 - 101 items
January 25, 2023A list by
Denk(Created 24-Jul-2020) The purpose of this list is not to compete with the IFDB Top 100 but to provide an alternative view, which makes...
Best fantasy games - 68 items
January 12, 2016A list by
MathBrushThese are my favorite games that include some sort of magical or fantastical element. Games with mostly horror or sci-fi elements are on...
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