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What remains of me

by Jovial Ron


About the Story

Sometimes we all dream about old places we visited or places we lived. While dreams can take from the calmest to most hapazhard scenarios, sometimes they help us gather our thoughts that the conscious mind is just not trained enough to think of. Perhaps you can even have some fun when on this subconscious journey.

Finding an objective in life is a thought everyone gets every once in a while. But occassions like New Years Day or watching some motivational enough movie often lead a large number of people on a quest to find their aim in life.

In this world, you are me. It's circa 2010. You are flapping around a flip phone. People around you are living just the way they always live, but to the outsider things might look in disarray. Everyone could use some help. Can you help, and in turn help yourself to get set on this journey, which in gamified terms is a literal journey. An easy puzzle for you to get on a train takes you around this world, interacting and helping people, you might like some people, you might be confused by what they are doing, you could be from anywhere in the world, but you are me in this simulation ... aagh hmm ... game.

Contains easy puzzles, surprise interactions if you try to use everything on everyone. Ofcourse the main game puzzle has intentionally been kept easy enough to ensure my playtesters could actually finish the game without a walkthrough. An walkthrough would be uploaded if it looks necessary.

The game expands further in it's attempt to tackle the line between screwball humour and surrealism, but much of it has been kept out of this ifcomp submission to avoid unforeseen bugs and the worse enemy of an IF writer - spelling mistakes.

Playable on the Web. Parser based with a retro GUI, press Alt + Enter for Fullscreen.

Game Details

Page Update History

v.4: 02-Oct-2021 20:57 - ronynn (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed license type, genre, forgiveness, Web site URL, download links
v.3: 21-Nov-2021 05:17 - Zape
Changed Web site URL, download links
  v.2: 02-Oct-2021 20:57 - Zape
Changed cover art, development system
v.1: 02-Oct-2021 00:17 - Zape
Created page