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The Squat Machine

by Roo Pescod and Hamish Adams


Web Site

About the Story

The Squat Machine is an interactive sci-fi adventure novel written by Roo Pescod and Hamish Adams, published by Actual Satan Publishing in October 2021.

It has been recreated on Twine and is fully playable online complete with illustrations at thesquatmachine.com

You have quit your punk band and moved to Berlin to live in a squatted school. You wake up in your new bedroom surrounded by the junk and debris of the previous occupant. If you stay alive and you're lucky you will ride the machine through time and space and have horrible little adventures.

It contains fair amount of sex, violence, and filth.

Game Details

Page Update History

v.3: 07-Oct-2022 15:32 - Hikari Starshine (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed language
  v.2: 07-Oct-2022 15:32 - RaoulPersaud
Changed description
v.1: 07-Oct-2022 15:29 - RaoulPersaud
Created page