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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
A piece of art honoring the great era of puzzle driven games, March 30, 2019
by 8bit_era (Berlin)

I really appreciated "The Path" and I see where it draws inspiration from. I grew up with adventures being more puzzle-oriented than narrative. What I particularly love about this adventure is that it intentionally throws out all narration to focus on the notably great puzzles you encounter while you proceed with your journey on the path. The graphics are extraordinary beautiful. You can see that they have been created with passion and and absolute understanding of how pixel art works. The refreshing concept in addition make this a wonderful experience. It's nice to see that in a world of narrative games, there still is room for an adventure that reduces everything down to the essence of early text-/graphic adventures, while the story behind it is up to your very own imagination. Kudos!

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