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Easter Egg Hunt 2020

by David Welbourn

About the Story

In this light-hearted scavenger hunt, it's your task to find twelve colorful Easter eggs hidden inside other works of interactive fiction! But who are the eggs for, and what do they really want?

Note: The game should be always winnable and the player-character can never die.

Content warning: This game includes a ghost, a very horrible grave, some dangerous-looking animals, and a text version of a jump-scare, but nothing ever ever harms the player-character. The worst thing that happens is someone may steal your pants.

Page Update History

v.4: 30-Apr-2020 16:26 - David Welbourn (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed download links
v.3: 23-Apr-2020 06:18 - David Welbourn
Changed author
v.2: 12-Apr-2020 23:28 - Zape
Changed cross-references
  v.1: 11-Apr-2020 23:14 - David Welbourn
Created page

Game Details