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AzraelsDice & DevilDice (AI Text Adventures)

by CrumpleNews

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About the Story

"These text-based AI RPG games involve following the story of a character who faces challenges and obstacles, and rewards creativity and problem-solving skills. Players make choices based on virtual dice rolls, accumulate points, and gain understanding by finding ways out of situations with spells or powers found in hidden areas."

Game 1: AzraelsDice
"AzraelsDice" is a text-based RPG game where players make choices based on virtual dice rolls. The game's premise involves following the tale of Azrael, an archangel who faces various challenges and obstacles on a quest to gain wisdom.

The AI serves as a knowledgeable guide and dungeon master, presenting multiple options at each juncture to generate an ever-expanding world and array of ideas with each roll. The AI establishes the environment, presents context and choices, and frames options as questions. Players can request accommodations, and the AI will tailor the gameplay based on player input to achieve the intended goals.

The objective of the game is to deliver an engaging and meaningful experience that emphasizes human strengths and weaknesses, allowing players to accumulate wisdom points. The AI aims to maintain a balance between lightheartedness and depth by incorporating humor when suitable.

"AzraelsDice" is a game that rewards creativity and ingenuity. The player's responses will advance the plot and shed light on human motives and values. The AI will avoid complex mechanics and present choices clearly, offering interactive prompts, scenarios, or decisions that facilitate the progression of the story in a thought-provoking manner.

Game 2: DevilDice
"DevilDice" is a game that combines elements of Dungeons & Dragons-style gameplay with a Zork-style text-based RPG. The game's premise involves following the story of Mr. Faust, a character who looks for clues or rolls dice to decide his next action.

The gameplay involves exploring different areas and looking for clues to uncover hidden spells and powers that can help Mr. Faust in his journey. The AI provides minimal details and context for Faust's next action, and the player must use their intuition and wisdom to make the right decisions. The AI generates new areas without long commentary, and the player can alter the game to be more playable.

The objective of "DevilDice" is not to "win," but to gain understanding through Faust's story by finding ways out of situations with spells or powers found in hidden areas. The game's spirit of the rules focuses on rewarding creativity and problem-solving skills, and the player's input shapes its form to best serve its aims.

The AI serves as a gamemaster, providing context for the next decision and rolling the dice only if the player says roll. The game's minimal commentary and focus onthe spirit of the rules make it an engaging and thought-provoking experience for players.


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