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Three Steps to the Left

by Lucian P. Smith profile

(based on 4 ratings)
2 reviews6 members have played this game. It's on 1 wishlist.

About the Story

The important thing in acting is: stay in character, and don't get mixed up in the another play.
[--blurb from The Z-Files Catalogue]

Ratings and Reviews

5 star:
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Average Rating: based on 4 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 2
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
A clever, short comedic piece, December 6, 2013
by streever (America)

There isn't a lot going on here, but the basic premise is amusing and humorous.

The writing is consistently funny and clear, and responses to bad input are done well.

I'd like to see this fleshed out and made into a larger piece. As it was, it was a fun, short diversion.

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0 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Not much to offer., December 5, 2013*
by Katrisa (Houston)

I liked the idea of going into and out of different plays, as the description suggested, but there really wasn't very much to it. There's not much to say to condemn this game but absolutely nothing to recommend it besides a sliver of a concept it may have been based off of. There was so little to this that it's nearly impossible to discuss. Downloading it and playing will be a waste of five minutes.

* This review was last edited on December 6, 2013
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