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by Narkhos profile and Stormi profile

Inform 6

(based on 1 rating)
1 review1 member has played this game.

About the Story

La mort prématurée de Philippe de Rouvres, duc de Bourgogne, a causé beaucoup d'agitation. Si aucun héritier ne se présente, le roi de France, Jean Le Bon, prendra le commandement, et c'en sera fini de la lignée capétienne du duché.

Vous avez suivi votre maître, enquêteur officiel du duc, dans son voyage à travers le royaume. Il pense avoir retrouvé la piste du dernier successeur légitime.

C'est ainsi que, le soir du 11 juin 1362, vous arrivez devant l'abbaye de Saint-Basle, à proximité de la ville de Reims, bien loin de votre région d'origine.

Mais d'étranges événements, liés à une vieille légende locale, vont venir bouleverser vos plans.


Ratings and Reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
A pixel-art Vorple mystery parser game set in an Abbey, March 11, 2025
Related reviews: about 1 hour

This French game in Concours de Fiction Interactive Francophone 2025 was a delight to play. It's a puzzle-focused Vorple game with extensive parser illustrations. Puzzles are fairly simple (although my lack of knowledge of a few words caused me some problems).

While the game doesn't feel small, each part of the game is pretty constrained so there aren't too many options and you are free to experiment till you figure out what to do next. There was one poem that was a bit hard to figure out, and I had the biggest trouble figuring out how to put something on something (I kept trying things like METTRE ___ SUR ___ and it didn't work so I had to check the walkthrough).

The plot is that you are accompanying your master, a detective, to visit a monastery. You have to help him get in, then, the next day, solve a series of mysterious occurrences.

The game does take a pretty dramatic shift in what's possible in the very last act that surprised me, but the art for that part was also very nice. Overall, one of the more fun games I've played in a while.

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