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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Gritty Urban Adventure, July 31, 2024

Alphabet City is full of grime and grunge. The place just reeks of poverty, decay, desperation. You are all to familiar with the bottom, but things were starting to look up. But now your girl is missing, and you want to find her, and take her back home. All in all, this game has a good premise, great setting, interesting writing, but needs a lot more testing. This could really have been one of the best games of ParserComp if more work were put in on the parser responses to prevent some of the silliness that happens with Inform 7 objects that aren't classified correctly. I really dig the artwork that was included that really sets the tone for this story. Would definitely like to see a version 2 of this released that fixes some of the issues and perhaps adds a bit more to the story. I am giving 2/5 because for me that means a game with potential that has serious problems. That's what I feel Alphabet City is, a game with a lot of potential, but it needs some major work to pass as an enjoyable game I could recommend.

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