
by Andrew Williams

Science Fiction
Inform 6

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
I will need some help with this. , November 26, 2018

I've found this game while looking around for Blakes 7 fan games, I figured someone must have at least tried to make one as the series was popular at the time. I found this site mentioning it,, but the only download link was in a dosbox folder of a fangroup Horizon.

I am currently playing the game but I haven't gotten far. What I have seen so far is interesting though, both the dystopian Earth society and spaceship Liberator are authentic.

Part of the reason for uploading is to have more experienced players have a crack at it. I don't think it is a difficult game, but I am definitely stumped right now. I don't really know anything about the author or how the game came to be, so additional information would be welcome as well.

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The Defiant, June 15, 2020 - Reply
Couldn't figure out how to upload a walkthrough, so I just included it as a comment to my review.
The Defiant, June 15, 2020 - Reply
So I'm not sure whether or not I've reached the "end" or not (Orac states that the rest of the game is not connected to the playable portion, but looking at Horizon, I've spotted a screenshot that is clearly from a point in the game after the point I got to).

I'll write up a walkthrough of where I got to and upload it.
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