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A Bright Future

by George Lockett and Failbetter Games

Episode 95 of Fallen London Exceptional Stories

About the Story

“The gas lamp could very well be the symbol of London — a light against the darkness. But it is malodorous, wasteful, and still barely keeps the gloom at bay. I see another London: one that no longer has to huddle in the dark.”

The Illuminating Futurist has a bright vision for London – a city of light and prosperity. But the future of the Fifth City is contested by fierce and mighty powers, and they are rarely kind to competition. Secure funding for the Futurist’s invention from the sometimes-great and almost-good, weigh the betterment of the people against the interests of capital, decide the future of this Miraculous Device, and – perhaps – blow something up.

Page Update History

v.2: 28-Jul-2023 16:55 - CMG (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
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  v.1: 28-Jul-2023 16:55 - CMG
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