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Consider the Consequences!

by Doris Webster, Mary Alden Hopkins, and Gregory Theriot


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About the Story

Consider the Consequences!, by Doris Webster and Mary Alden Hopkins, was a 1930 novel with branching storylines inviting readers to explore the social consequences of the life choices of three protagonists.

"You are to decide the course of action of first Helen, then Jed, then Saunders, at each crisis in their lives. Give your first thought, without pausing to ponder."

The original text was adapted to the Twine format by Gregory Theriot.


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Game Details

Language: English (en)
Current Version: Unknown
Development System: Twine
IFID: 08BA165B-70CA-4FF7-9BC9-47FD6A8A20D2
TUID: wsva1xakxc4sl984

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