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Episode 1 of Camelot series

About the Story

This is the revised version of Camelot. Published after the end of the 2010 Adrift Summer Competition.

After a number of years your membership of the distinguished club of the unemployed has finally expired. In other words, you�ve got a job! It�s not the job you�ve hoped for but being honest to yourself you realize that the chances of you becoming General Secretary of the UN was at best non existent. Instead you�ve got a job at the local library cleaning up, putting books back on the shelves and the occasional sweeping of the floor. For a few days, your job has been to clean up the cellar under the library, a dusty place where they keep all the books that are no longer interesting. Is this really all there�s to it, or do the cellar holds more than just meets the eye?

Page Update History

v.15: 15-Aug-2024 14:18 - Zape (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed description, external review links
v.14: 01-Mar-2023 21:34 - Denk
Changed download links
v.13: 26-Feb-2023 13:35 - Denk
Changed download links
v.12: 26-Feb-2023 13:31 - Denk
Changed download links
v.11: 26-Feb-2023 13:30 - Denk
Changed download links
v.10: 26-Feb-2023 13:30 - Denk
Changed download links
v.9: 26-Feb-2023 13:29 - Denk
Changed download links
v.8: 26-Feb-2023 13:26 - Denk
Changed download links
v.7: 11-Dec-2020 05:13 - Duffadash
Changed author
v.6: 21-May-2018 01:29 - Richard Otter
Changed external review links
v.5: 21-May-2018 01:21 - Richard Otter
Changed author
  v.4: 26-Oct-2011 06:25 - David Welbourn
Changed series name, episode number, author
v.3: 15-Aug-2011 17:24 -
Changed IFIDs
v.2: 23-Aug-2010 02:41 - P/o Prune
Changed version number, description, Web site URL, author, download links
v.1: 04-Aug-2010 12:54 - Juhana
Created page

Game Details

Language: English (en)
First Publication Date: August 2, 2010
Current Version: 1.05
License: Freeware
Development System: ADRIFT
IFID: ADRIFT-400-9880C7E456155F28BB7B164977D5F527
TUID: wehsgjrvzc1m3dtx