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About the Story

After a number of years your membership of the distinguished club of the unemployed has finally expired. In other
words, you've got a job!

It's not the job you've hoped for but being honest to yourself you realize that the chances of you becoming General
secretary of the UN was at best non existent. Instead you've got a job at the local library cleaning up, putting books
back on the shelves and the occasional sweeping of the floor.

Page Update History

v.15: 15-Aug-2024 14:18 - Zape (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed description, external review links
v.14: 01-Mar-2023 21:34 - Denk
Changed download links
v.13: 26-Feb-2023 13:35 - Denk
Changed download links
v.12: 26-Feb-2023 13:31 - Denk
Changed download links
v.11: 26-Feb-2023 13:30 - Denk
Changed download links
v.10: 26-Feb-2023 13:30 - Denk
Changed download links
v.9: 26-Feb-2023 13:29 - Denk
Changed download links
v.8: 26-Feb-2023 13:26 - Denk
Changed download links
v.7: 11-Dec-2020 05:13 - Duffadash
Changed author
v.6: 21-May-2018 01:29 - Richard Otter
Changed external review links
v.5: 21-May-2018 01:21 - Richard Otter
Changed author
v.4: 26-Oct-2011 06:25 - David Welbourn
Changed series name, episode number, author
v.3: 15-Aug-2011 17:24 -
Changed IFIDs
v.2: 23-Aug-2010 02:41 - P/o Prune
Changed version number, description, Web site URL, author, download links
  v.1: 04-Aug-2010 12:54 - Juhana
Created page

Game Details