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Photographs from the Summer of 1987

by casket


About the Story

you find an old photo book in an antique store. summer of 1987. photographs by adonis d'amour. if lost, please return to ███████

perhaps it was the allure of a haunted photo album. perhaps it was to show off to friends. perhaps it was to collect memories of a dead friend group or an aging couple that were left behind. you wonder if the owners are dead and only live on through the pictures in this album. you haven't opened the album yet. no, you waited. you asked the woman at the counter with her brittle fingers and wrinkled face what was inside. she said she had never seen the book before. anything that doesn't have a tag on it is $3. you say that's a steal for something so mysterious and precious.

also known as "fanservice: the most annoying red-hued nonbinary fiends, whose names start with the letter a, have their own body horror rom-com".

created for the 2023 bare bones jam.

Page Update History

v.3: 15-Nov-2023 16:27 - Zape (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed download links
v.2: 13-Jan-2024 17:28 - Zape
Changed IFIDs
  v.1: 15-Nov-2023 16:27 - manonamora
Created page

Game Details