The Clock

by Cleopatra Kozlowski


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Baf's Guide

Your arrival at your friend Kitty's house is just the beginning of an action-packed story (admitted, I found it artificially complicated rather than fancy, but that's probably just me). However, to get to this story, you need to overcome many obstacles, including room descriptions omitting details crucial for success, puzzles of the "guess the author's mind" type, and a maze you have to master with a light source that lasts only a short time. A cat demanding food every 90 turns, and a few randomly scattered bugs top it off. I know I made it sound like complete trash, but it isn't; in spite of everything, it represents a quite ambitious (although somewhat amateurish) effort, and the fact I didn't like it doesn't mean you aren't going to, either. Still, I suggest you'll keep a walkthrough handy while playing it - otherwise, it'll take you much more time than it's worth.

-- Valentine Kopteltsev

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