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Journey Into Darkness

by Jonathan Clark


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About the Story

Embark on a Victorian adventure that begins in the heart of London and takes you across the world in a race to obtain a fabled jewel with mysterious powers. Navigate the deadly river Mjaa Nto and twisted jungle paths where danger lurks beneath the surface and around every corner.

Journey into Darkness is a challenging 50,000 word interactive fantasy novel by Jonathan Clark, where your choices control the story. It’s entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

There are eight full-size color lino-cut illustrations and six smaller handmade stamp illustrations within this text adventure.

Will you beat your rivals to the prize? Can you fight off the dangers along the way? Will you find the right path and the knowledge you need to succeed or will you succumb to the darkness?

Play as male or female.
Travel to exotic locations.
Solve the puzzle of the one true path.
Fight monsters and other horrors.
Endure the sarcasm of your traveling companions.
Awaken an ancient cosmic horror.


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