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Seasonal Apocalypse Disorder

by Zan and Xavid


About the Story

As cities around the world turn to ash, the Federal Bureau of Druids sends you back in time to the autumnal equinox to stop the Order of the Fiery Doom. Find plants for your mystical cocoon and travel to different seasons. Will you be able to avert the apocalypse?

Page Update History

v.7: 01-Oct-2020 22:10 - David Welbourn (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed download links
v.6: 04-May-2021 22:40 - Zape
Changed license type
v.5: 09-Dec-2020 19:26 - JTN
Changed IFIDs
v.4: 09-Oct-2020 01:34 - Xavid
Changed author
v.3: 07-Oct-2020 19:50 - Zape
Changed development system, download links
v.2: 07-Oct-2020 12:24 - Dark Star
Changed cover art
  v.1: 01-Oct-2020 22:10 - Zape
Created page

Game Details