Another Goddamn Escape the Locked Room Game

by Riff Conner

Inform 7

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7 of 7 people found the following review helpful:
Uses satire as an excuse for bad play, September 18, 2008*

Note: I previously rated this game with one star, but then realized that it deserved another for writing.

OK, I like satire... Usually. But when the game is poorly implemented, and uses satire openly as an excuse for bad play, I can't bear it.
Some of the writing is laugh-out-loud material, something which is certainly underrated in games today, but when it is interspersed with horrible puzzles such as (Spoiler - click to show)the one where you have to take off your shirt in front of a bathroom mirror and hang another mirror on a towel rack in order to see your back, which has a tattoo on it which (miraculously) happens to be the combination for a safe you had been trying to unlock. I had to revert to hints to get this. There were no clues within the game that had prepared me for it, or if there were, I couldn't find them.

Bad implementation was also horrific. There was an aspirin bottle in the bathroom. The PC has a headache. Logical action?


Oh? The bottle can't be opened? Hmm...


Nope, not that either.

Well, I have to say that after a heap of actions that proved unfruitful, I ended up with that same banging headache as was described in the game. Finally, in a fit of annoyance, I typed


Well, the PC annoyed me enough that I was happy to give him a mouthful of glass.
But, uh, turns out that I was meant to do that. He got rid of his headache, but I must say that mine got worse throughout the game.

The point I quit at was when I ended up with my arm cut off, and a box of bandaids in tow. I tried to put the bandaids on my arm and it said I couldn't. Tried opening the box and I couldn't do that either.


Hey, it seemed to work with the aspirin. But no that didn't work either.

I died of blood loss. when I tried again, I examined my stump of an arm after putting the bandaids on (something which the game said I couldn't do, remember?) and apparently it was covered in them.

And I still died of blood loss.

I quit.

Nice writing in some places though. If the author wishes to write, let him write a novel. Please.

* This review was last edited on September 21, 2008
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