Best of Three

by Emily Short profile

Slice of life

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Member Reviews

Number of Reviews: 7
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Baf's Guide

Consists entirely of one conversation, as with the author's Galatea, but it's an extremely immersive and wide-ranging conversation; you meet up with an old flame of sorts, and the exchange that results is in various measures adversarial and revelatory. The conversation system is a further development of the one used in Pytho's Mask, which combines ASK/TELL and conversation menus to obtain the freedom of the former and the natural speech of the latter. Both your character and the lone NPC of significance are well developed; many have found the NPC irritating, but I thought he was interesting, at least, even if not always endearing. In short: not much as a game, but terrific as NPC interaction, PC characterization, and general storytelling.

-- Duncan Stevens

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