Risorgimento Represso

by Michael J. Coyne


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Number of Reviews: 6
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>INVENTORY - Paul O'Brian writes about interactive fiction

From what I saw of this game, I thought it was outstanding, worthy of a 9.5 or above. But I just cannot bring myself to give it that score, if for no other reason than because I don't want games that shouldn't be in the comp to do well, since all that will do is encourage more of them. On the other hand, can I really justify giving a low score to such an obviously high-quality product, especially when I've already given Scavenger, another too-big game, a high score? Well, the difference between this and Scavenger is that with Scavenger, I felt like I'd seen the majority of the game, that the major puzzles were solved or almost-solved, and that most of what remained was denouement. With RR, though, I felt like I'd eaten the appetizer but had to leave before the entree.

My compromise is this. I'll make it clear in my review that this is a great game, worthy of any IF devotee's attention. Play it sometime when you can really enjoy it, linger over its many pleasures, and let the puzzles percolate in your head. Play it without a time limit. Savor it like I couldn't today. Don't let my low score fool you -- it's eminently worth playing, but I saw a third of it, and so I'm giving it a third of the score it probably would have gotten from me had it been the right size for the comp.

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