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zenobi128k.zip *
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zenobi48k.zip *
This game requires an interpreter program - refer to the game's documentation for details.
* Compressed with ZIP. Free Unzip tools are available for most systems at www.info-zip.org.

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by Dave Hawkins

Space Exploration
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About the Story

Despite what you may or may not have read in the "comic-books", interplanetary travel is not all that exciting... at least it is not if you are the pilot of a simple transport ship like the "TALISMAN" and especially if you had just been on a long boring haul to the moons of Jundar.

Normally the "boredom" would have been broken with some bouts of 4D-Chess with MAXWELL the service droid but as luck would have it his battery had run flat and the re-charger had not been fitted for this trip.

Just as it seemed as if you were about to die of terminal boredom things took a slight upturn and the approach of a small meteor storm heralded a moment or two of excitement... If only you had known how much excitement!!!

As you approached the edge of the meteor-storm you switched on your shields and settled back into your flight-chair to await the passing of the storm. All seemed straight forward until a rather large meteor decided that the "TALISMAN" was to be the object of some intense bombardment and proceeded to penetrate the shields. With the shields down you only had time to issue a quick radio message to the satellite know as "VIPER 3" and then 23 seconds later you had ploughed a large furrow in the surface of a nearby planet and were shaking your head in order to clear away the fuzziness.

Your task is now just a simple one of locating a "PSI-CRYSTAL" in order to activate your spare-transporter and get the hell off this alien planet... How come these old ships never come with all the necessary bits and pieces to get you out of scrapes like this?


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