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One Hour Degree

by University of Kent


(based on 1 rating)
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About the Story

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to get a degree in a fraction of the time it normally takes? The One Hour Degree game has been produced specifically for students who are about to join or have recently begun their degree journey at Kent. It is a narrative based adventure game which simulates all the significant elements of gaining a degree condensed into as little as one hour.

There are five independent quests focused on Welcome Week, the first term, the first year, year 2 and year 3. The game introduces key facilities, support networks and social opportunities that are available at Kent as well as displaying stunning imagery of our parkland campus.
Players will earn 'knowledge' and 'wellbeing' points along the way as well as a badge for each completed quest. Together they will dictate the classification of the ‘degree’ received at the end before you have the opportunity to be part of your very own graduation video.
The game does not require a login or user account and can be played by anyone who has access to a web browser, on any device. Find the link to the game on the Hello Kent web page or directly via this link: www.kent.ac.uk/student/one-hour-degree


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