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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Great short game, November 30, 2013*
by streever (America)

This is a great short game set in a different world.

You are a capable fighter and swordswoman who belongs to a secret order pledged to protect the King. A mysterious man has invited you to a ball celebrating the once a year passage of a comet that brings great upheaval and change to the Kingdom.

Intrigue abounds, and there are no real puzzles. The conversation is a hybrid topical system, with a few conversations being unlocked by giving/showing items.

This is an excellent romantic fantasy. The romance aspect is downplayed in favor of the intrigue and mystery.

As usual, a few bits of prose here and there create a more fully realized world. There is some over-done descriptive phrasing, but mercifully little. It is slightly more verbose than some of Short's work, but still wonderfully written.

* This review was last edited on December 1, 2013
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