This game kind of threw me out of whack for a while and is one reason I was late playing Shufflecomp games.
I started this Gruescript game (which is parser-like but with buttons for actions and inventory items). In it, you play as someone in a post-apocalyptic world that has been flooded and where most people seem to be dead or gone. You invite a neighbor over for coffee, and they offer you drugs that enhance your memory.
I had fun in my initial experience with the game, running through it and getting into my first memory. But I got really stuck after that. The game says (early, light spoilers) that the pills give you memories when (Spoiler - click to show)you smell two things. But it didn't say you had to do that simultaneously, so I just thought the pills were good for 2 memories. I got super stuck.
I eventually tried the hints, and saw the file was big, so I got overwhelmed and put off both this game and the whole shufflecomp. I ended up playing this one last, expecting it to be huge, but it wasn't overwhelming. Each memory is just a couple of rooms. Even with the walkthrough, I tried to just guess what needed to happen, but even my best guesses were often wrong, so difficulty-wise this game kicked my butt. (Also, wouldn't (Spoiler - click to show)potato chips and (Spoiler - click to show)mashed potatoes have almost the same smell? The texture is the biggest difference to me).
Writing-wise this game is exactly the kind of game I like. Very cool Inception-style plot (a bit more literally than the term is usually used but not quite). Lots of revealed mysteries and a great ending that ties it all together.
Someone else may not have the weird intro I did, especially if you realize you need to have (Spoiler - click to show)simultaneous combinations of two smells.