The Sword of Inari

by Matthew Clark profile

Episode 246 of Eamon

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Eamon Adventurer's Guild Online

Description: In a rather long and complicated introduction you are hired to recover the magical Sword of Inari from an evil kingdom that has aggressive designs on your own country. This is a sneak mission in which you and a companion are inserted by an airship, which drops you off on a very high tower in the enemy stronghold. You are given several magical items to assist you in your Quest.

Comment: This is a very pleasant and relaxing outing. It is primarily puzzle-oriented, but the hints are strong and the puzzles are not overly difficult. Those who love combat will be disappointed, as a successful Quest will show you just a few easy opponents. However, an unsuccessful foray might find you facing as many as 400 at once!

The play is very linear and you will see very few options outside of the correct course. The map is small, just 36 rooms. Matthew did a nice job of adding a number of special texts to explain why you would not go in this direction or that, helping to preserve the illusion of a larger space than what you actually see.

One hint: you were given those magical items for a reason, and you will need to use them all to be successful.

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