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Only existed for C64. Technically abandonware.

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Skarn's Keep

by Kenneth Buchs


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About the Story

Many years ago in a far off land, lived two brothers by the names of Slarn and Skarn. They were wizards of great renown and occasionally made powerful magical items. One day, Slarn made a Ring of Power so great that Skarn became extremely jealous of his brother. He contrived a method by which he was able to steal the ring. When Slarn discovered his brother's evil deed, he confronted him and wrested control of the ring from him. From that time a feud has been in existence between the two brothers. The ring has passed from one to the other many times. At this time Skarn has the ring and has hidden it in his own Keep.

Slarn has accepted your offer to retrieve the ring, in exchange for monetary gain. You may have all else that you find on the keep...


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Game Details

Language: English (en)
Current Version: Unknown
License: Commercial (Out of Print)
Development System: Custom
IFID: ALAN-336A4A2566A846F1CF4E562EB8D0F24E
TUID: qs5poc0nqbztwo2

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