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The Whisperers

by Milo van Mesdag

Play, romance, historical, politcal

About the Story

An Interactive Play

The year is 1938, two newcomers have just arrived at their new home: a communal appartment in Moscow, the beating heart of Soviet power. But what will they make of their new lives? And what will their neighbours make of them? The Whisperers is a story of love, revolution, belief, and the choices oridnary people make in extraordinary times.

Or: the year is 1938 and you have arrived at your local soviet sponsored theatre, ready for a play lauded by the agents of the Department of Agitation and Propoganda as "the first truly socialist play", in which the audience, the people, decide the course of events.

Or: The Whisperers is a script for an interactive play, loosely adapted into a piece of written interactive fiction (while also featuring an annotated version for the ease of use of prospective directors and actors).

Content warning: Physical violence. Mention of executions. Mention of Holodomor (genocide by engineered famine).

Game Details

Page Update History

v.5: 09-Jan-2024 02:48 - EJ (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed genre
  v.4: 09-Jan-2024 02:48 - EJ
Changed genre
v.3: 03-Oct-2023 00:26 - Dan Fabulich
Changed download links
v.2: 02-Oct-2023 22:28 - Zape
Changed IFIDs, development system, language, description
v.1: 01-Oct-2023 20:20 - Dan Fabulich
Created page