Out of the Study

by Anssi Räisänen

Alan 2

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
An ALAN one-room game with many, many levels of detail, February 3, 2016

This game reminds me of a mix of Lime Ergot and Lord Bellwater's Secret. As in Lime Ergot, you investigate an object, then examine something in its description, then so on for many levels, discovering information.

Otherwise, the game is a close relative of Lord Bellwater's Secret. In both games, you explore a study looking for secrets. You examine a variety of objects in order to find a code, open a safe, and get out. You have to find every single part of the code, in a tedious affair. I used a walkthrough and never looked back.

This game has a few issues. For instance, other reviewers noted that you can't use the adjective of an object to refer to it, or just the noun if there is a disambiguation; you must use both. Some objects are never mentioned; you just have to assume they are there. You have to look behind stuff in the oddest locations, and interact with objects in unusual ways.

I recommend this only to those who love games like Lime Ergot with incredible levels of detail. The game is very rewarding in this way.

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