As someone who is interested in ways one could use IF to do historiography, I found this seemingly well researched and well written work to be inspiring. There are a number of different mechanics, that show how one is able to inject some interactivity in to an historical narrative, that otherwise would be linear: let people "role play" different historical actors, use a fictional plot that interweaves the different historical events, use counterfactual history as a starting of point for opening up linear narratives, use text passages the user has to reveal, etc. There are a bunch. The actual content is also quite interesting. Even though I'm not from the US, I found myself very engrossed throughout this medium length (maybe 1h of actual content) game in the problems and challenges of dealing with corporations as persons. As someone who is interested in Actor-Network Theory the game poses interesting questions in regards to the agency of non-human actors (in this case: cooperations). In short: I liked it a lot.