Sometimes I'm just in the mood for a short game, and sometimes I'm just in the mood for some Tolkien.
This game is both, and it is parody done correctly.
The original was for MS-DOS. Each command was a separate BAT file. It may sound strange nowadays, but, if it weren't for seeing the DOS prompt instead of the good, old ">", you'd barely even notice that you weren't running an interpreter.
The Glulx version available here doesn't play very well for me. Glulxe spits out a few memory errors after each command, and, worse than that, I can't progress beyond (Spoiler - click to show)Smaug's Den because the cigar is not in scope (I can enter TREE or Showobj cigar, and it says (in Smaug) -- which should mean Smaug is holding it, but the game insists that I 'CAN'T SEE ANY SUCH THING').
It's a good time, though. Especially if you're a sick, twisted Tolkien fan like myself.