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(based on 3 ratings)
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Average Rating: based on 3 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 1
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
The best-looking game on the ZX Spectrum, February 20, 2022
by Petter Sjölund (Malmö, Sweden)

It is impossible to understand if you weren't there how amazing these graphics were in 1985. We had never seen anything this beautiful on a ZX Spectrum screen. There was also a decent adventure game in there, but that was secondary.

The main distinguishing feature of the actual game was its attempt at grimdark realism, possibly inspired by the TV series, where you have to murder people left and right in order to proceed. This was another thing that we were not used to back in the day, but which has become all too common.

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1 Off-Site Review


"Due to the vast amount of memory used to serve up the superlative graphics the range of vocabulary the program can accept is limited. Having said this an imaginative person may soon be out of the castle and free to roam Sherwood forest within a few moves. I'd say that over all the difficulty of this adventure is about right as it is no pushover but not so difficult as to make you want to forget the whole thing. This game has you thinking hard about its problems long after you've switched off the power to the computer. One curious aspect of the program's input analysis is its tendency to ignore most of the input it does not understand to the extent that you soon realise that nothing has happened unless something in the top half of the screen has changed. This rather minor shortcoming is easily offset by a very good EXAMINE command which proves both useful and essential if Robin is to make any headway."
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Game Details

Language: English (en)
Current Version: Unknown
License: Former commercial
Baf's Guide ID: 1289
IFID: E8021308-8719-4A34-BDF9-C6F388129E53
TUID: p91i4iwdhycwdr43

Robin of Sherwood - The Touchstones of Rhiannon on IFDB


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