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by Naarel


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About the Story


This (NSFW) work attempts to briefly explore an abusive mindset. It contains misgendering and general transphobia, sex being perceived as a tool capable of "correcting" queerness, unhealthy displays of jealousy, manipulative behavior

They taught you to hate your body but I know that it's learned behavior. Nobody who hates their body would be this eager to give it to others.

I guess I have no other choice but to remind you what you really are.

A short (506 words) dive into a disgusting mind, written for Single Choice Jam 2024.

Writing, background, audio - Naarel

This is the first part of Secondary Lights trilogy: yellow/cyan/magenta, which are companion pieces to the Primary Lights trilogy: Red Light/Blue Light/Green Light. "yellow" falls between Red and Blue chronologically, but it can be played as a standalone thing.

Special thanks to Kelli Mayo's "Yellow Lights"



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