
by Scarlet Herring


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Baf's Guide

An erotic (or, rather, pornographic) text adventure. The player character wanders off from a nudist colony he's spending his holiday in, and lands in queen Morghana's realm. To find his way out of the castle, he needs to seduce the queen's three servants, and finally the queen herself. In spite of... ehm.. not the most fancy plot, the game has impressed me, because it's been done with love, and great care. Once you scrape off the erotic content, all that remains is your plain old-fashioned text adventure, probably not very original, but solidly done - and that's still much more than most of the porn games can offer. The girls in Moist aren't just sex dolls, either - they are pretty vividly animated, and characterized quite nicely. (Well, actually, they are much more "willing" than real women would - but that's part of the genre). All in all, I'd say that's one of the best games of the theme in the IF-archive.

-- Valentine Kopteltsev

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