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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Carry out tasks for a stranger with some fantasy, May 10, 2024
by MathBrush
Related reviews: 15-30 minutes

This game was written in Adventuron for the Text Adventure Literacy Jam.

The idea is that you've stolen or smuggled some gems that have a mysterious glow and power. You find someone to report this to, a woman in the woods, but instead of listening to you she requires you to carry out some basic tasks for her first.

The game is both easy and hard. It is easy because the room description constantly updates to tell you what to do next. There are only two puzzle sequences.

It is hard because of three reasons:
1-The game only allows two word input, but has many puzzles involving combining two items. So while you might think 'tie rope to wood' would make sense, you have to find a way to do that in two words. Tie rope? Tie wood? Combine rope? You'll have to guess. But there are also at least two points where the solution requires 3 words, which are the only points in the game its available.
2-Implementation is spotty, so many objects are mentioned but can't be examined (like a sack of fluff), or can be taken but not examined, or can be examined but don't show up if taken.
3-The game has aggressive or insulting messages for all of its messages, along the lines of 'What are you doing, you fool?' or swearing at the player.

Combined, this means that you spend most of the game guessing the right word combination while the game yells at you in bright red text over and over.

On the plus side, the game's worldbuilding and plot are interesting. I think that relaxing the two-word parser and allowing more complex inputs, together with implementing more synonyms, would make the game pretty fun!

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