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There's a Bomb Under Parliament

by Laurence Creighton

The Quill
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About the Story

There were times when you wondered why you had ever gotten involved in this side of things, but considering your 'background' perhaps it was not surprising after all. Eight years in the regular Army, followed by five in the 'special operations' squad were damn good grounding for the sort of missions you had to undertake these days and there were times when you were only too glad of the training received at the hands of some of your old training instructors. For instance the Bundanji raid of '87 would have been a complete failure but for your knowledge of 'timers' and the Zolian embassy battle of '84 would have surely ended in disaster if you had not remembered your training in 'bomb-circuitry'.

All in all it was a good life, the pay was excellent ... it was just the 'life', or at least the length of it, of the job that was your biggest worry. However as long as you stayed reasonably alert and your fingers remained supple, there's no reason to suspect that your life would not be a long and healthy one. At least that was how it had always been up until now ..... but for some unknown reason this one 'felt' a shade different.

Nuclear devices had always been something you had tried to steer well clear of, but as luck would have it YOU were the only one available when the alarm bells rang and it was YOU that found themselves on the end of a very early phone-call...

Yours is a simple enough task ..... disarm the bomb and save Parliament and the city of London .... simple enough that is for an experienced agent such as yourself ......


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