
by Emery Joyce profile

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6 of 7 people found the following review helpful:
Cut From the Skies of November, November 14, 2011
by AmberShards (The Gothic South)

Sometimes, although rarely, less is more. Hauntings shows that the old advertising bromide is occasionally right -- it has just enough atmosphere to be evocative, using restraint where one could easily freefall into gothic excess. Although some rooms are too minimally described, most are just right, as in the case of the Sickroom. The pacing is questionable, but not overly frustrating, and the characterization is solid, at least until the end. One of the characters (Spoiler - click to show) (Leonara) isn't given the detail she deserves, and that diminishes the game a bit.

The parser occasionally refers to an object that isn't around, and some actions are unnecessarily clumsy (Spoiler - click to show) such as giving items to your employer, but on the whole, the parser works as you expect. There is a dramatic scene late in the game where everything rests upon yes/no responses, but it doesn't feel fake in the slightest. I hesitated for moments, thinking through what would happen if I said "yes" or "no". What resulted from that scene led me to two different endings, one of which was rather by-the-numbers, but the other was emotionally resonant.

Finally, Hauntings is a fairly short game, almost creeping up into the low end of medium length. It's an enjoyable, atmospheric piece that only loses its punch at the end. Not bad for a first outing. I look forward to more of what the author has in store.

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David Welbourn, November 27, 2011 - Reply
There is a third ending.
tifcat, January 24, 2013 - Reply
is there a walkthrough for this game anywhere?
EJ, January 31, 2013 - Reply
I never wrote one because I figured that the game was, as David Welbourn says, so simple that people wouldn't really need one, but I could throw one together fairly easily if it's wanted.
David Welbourn, January 28, 2013 - Reply
Not that I know of; I haven't written one. But it's a fairly short game with few items, and it's not meant to be difficult.
EJ, November 29, 2011 - Reply
He might have been playing the original version, which had only two.
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