1915by Gregor Duddy, Luke Powell, and Finlay Macpherson2019 |
The creators of 1915 describe their game (at least on 1915's itch.io page) as interactive fiction; unusual for a 3D terrain-exploring game. However, it isn't the first I've ever seen of the type that a person could possibly classify as IF or a text adventure (look up "The Dead Tower").
Here, one major point of the story revolves around exploring text - the player can approach pieces of scenery to read about them, which does make a cohesive, textual whole all together. However, the game still heavily relies on visuals... Yet if this isn't IF, I can see WHY the creators marked it as such. Really, this is something of a Twine story or gamebook in terms of narrative, but the visuals are in 3D. Instead of clicking on a hyperlink to get to the next chunk of readable text, the player has to navigate via the keyboard.
I'd be interested to see more "IF" of this type, and maybe to see makers merge it with more traditional IF forms.