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About the Story

Orphan is an adult Dark Fantasy CYOA set in a dying neo-Rome ruined by Sorcery, ruled by the Blade. Immerse yourself in an unforgiving world, full of violence, magic, sex and intrigue.

Life in the Cradle is short, brutish and crude.

In a deep metropolis buried at the bottom of an ancient crater, a crumbling city-state lay, ruined nobles struggling for dominance and power. Sorcery, rampant slavery and corruption rule the day. The common man exists in a state of servitude and poverty.

And you... you're just a nobody. For now.

Within Chapter 2 you will find...

- over 105,000 words!
- Erotic encounters for the bold
- Forbidden magic and tantalizing sights
- Fast-paced violence and cruel debauchery
- Two distinct fates; slavery or ascent


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This is version 1 of this page, edited by Exalted Text on 9 August 2024 at 1:29pm. - View Update History - Edit This Page - Add a News Item - Delete This Page