Film at Eleven

by Bowen Greenwood

Inform 6

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
News reporter gets a tip about the mayor and an intern, April 17, 2016

In this game with a small map, you play a brand new reporter who caught a tip about the mayor and his intern stuffing ballot boxes.

The puzzles in this game have multiple solutions, and I felt like the game was more believable than usual.

Overall, a well written detective romp. However, the writing felt detached, and I don't feel like revisiting it in the future.

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Rovarsson, July 25, 2023 - Reply
I just found out about this game through a question on the Forum from someone looking for a forgotten game from their nostalgic memories...

But of course you have already played and reviewed it. Great to see your small but to-the-point reviews on all these games.
MathBrush, July 25, 2023 - Reply
I think this was the year I wrote 900 reviews and was just basically flailing around reviewing really quickly.

I didn't even mention how this game was (in)famous for letting you take your clothes off and reacting to it.
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