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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
Clever bit of writing and good use of the medium, November 20, 2013
by streever (America)

This is an interesting game with clever narrative clues--expect to play it more than once to find the good ending.

I do think this game could benefit from an undo system. Ultimately, some of the options and choices feel arbitrary, and it'd be nice to be able to rewind if you choose one not realizing the real implications of it.

The writing is good, and the attention to design is appreciated: many web-text games feel a bit overwhelming, but the author has condensed and laid-out the type in a way that invites reading and experimenting.

The theme here is simple, and immediately relatable to most people interested in computer games--you play as a woman torn between the tedium of her white collar job and a sense of adventure.

I enjoyed this game--where the play mechanic felt weaker, the writing certainly kept me going.

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