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The Lost Temple

by Laurence Creighton

The Quill
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About the Story

A small blue lizard scampered across the top of the nearby rough timber counter, leaving tiny paw-prints in the puddles of spilt beer that littered the surface of the roughly constructed bar. Reaching forward you pick up your glass, swill the solitary ice-cube around in the half-inch of amber coloured fluid at the bottom of the glass and quickly swig down the fluid. As the cool liquid reaches the back of your throat you smile slowly to yourself and then spit the ice-cube in the direction of the fast disappearing lizard. To your annoyance the ice-cube misses its target and skids sharply off the counter to shatter against the left-hand wall.

Some minutes later the greasy excuse for a bartender slides yet another glass of amber fluid and ice in your direction and growls "This is the last one, from now on you are gonna have to pay for any more!"

You ease your bum off the hard cane stool and amble towards the window and then with a flick of the wrist you shove back the shutters and gaze out on the bleak outside world......somewhere out there it was, somewhere out there amidst the dense green vegetation and swarming insects! Memories come flooding back and you recall the nights spent in deep conversation and of the tales of the 'LOST TEMPLE' and its fabulous wealth and you decide there and then to make one final effort to discover its place of hiding .....

Can YOU solve the mysteries that surround the legendary 'LOST TEMPLE' and can YOU brave the elements and the creatures in order to negotiate the 'green hell' that surrounds the temple and all it contains?


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