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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
I Dreamed a Dream, July 29, 2024
by virtuadept
Related reviews: ParserComp2024

Iyashikei is a serene mostly-on-the-rails, short (15 minutes tops) diversion that feels like something a hypnotist might use to try to hypnotize someone. BERAAAKK! (chicken noises) Like, you know, the hypnotist that tells the audience member to cluck like a chicken, BERAAAK!!! (cluck, cluck) And when they wake up, they have no actual memory of doing it. BERAAKKK!!

Unfortunately, Iyashikei does not actually hypnotize you and make you act like a chicken. (CLUCK! CLUCK! Scratch the ground with talons.) It is rather peaceful, but with conflict comes story. A story with no conflict to resolve, is it really a story? BERAAAAAK!!! (cluck, cluck)

The serene-icity? BEREAAAK!! (is that even a (cluck) word? (cluck cluck))
Is broken by the lack of implementation of the scenery. A lot of gorgeous scenery is described. But when you try to take it in, by examining it, smelling it, tasting it, feeling it, listening to it... BERAAAK!!!!
the "it" is always "you don't see any 'it' here" (cluck, cluck)

So, apparently this game does not actually hypnotize you, (cluck, cluck) nor does it let you explore the peaceful scenery in a detailed way. BERAKK!!!

I like where the author was thinking here, but it needed more time in the BERAAKK!!! (cluck, cluck) oven.

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