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The Dogboy

by Anonymous

The Quill
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About the Story

In the poem "KING" by MARC PEIRSON, the subject of the poem is a monstrous and despotic glutton. Somebody who has more regard for the disgusting and excessive eating habits he enjoys so much than he has for the race of half-human goblins he rules over. Such is KING - an altogether despicable creature, more despised than loved and one whose very name strikes terror into the souls of the weak.

On the eve of an important festival, his wilful daughter elopes with a young singer, taking with her a box containing the city's greatest treasure. Unknown to her and her troubadour, the "treasure" is in fact a very powerful weapon which is capable of destroying the entire city ... if not the entire kingdom. However, she is safe enough as long as the box stays CLOSED, but if she should OPEN it then the world as she knows it could come to an end.

In this game our hero is King's "dogboy" - a mute boy who can understand the ways and language of the animals and the birds. These animals quickly learn what the princess has done and are anxious to escape before she is foolish enough to open the box.

The poor old "dogboy" on the other hand has his job to attend to - somebody has to see to the safety of the dogs. However, it is also his "destiny" to descend into the "Caves of Illusion" beneath Cuckoo Hill, because it is here that he will to able to solve the mysteries of the netherworld. It is here that he will to able to discover the means to rescue his fellow goblins and it is here that he will attain his heart's desire.


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IF adaptations of existing poems by pieartsy
I'm looking for IF that adapts existing static poems, either using the text directly or taking the story/plot/themes of the text and turning them into something interactive. Does not have to be a "game" with a win/lose or branching paths...

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