Silence of the Lambs 2

by The Thief of Bad Gags


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1-2 of 2

- CMG (NYC), February 15, 2017

Baf's Guide

A rather slight game about a journey to a dairy. It features one deceptive non-puzzle, a really bad pun, and some hilarious character graphics. The reward for finishing is also quite nice, in that (I think I'm not spoiling much here) one winds up in a room full of many varieties of cheese, all with lovingly-described smells, tastes, and appearances. In structure, then, it resembles an IF Art Show piece appended to a work of Speed-IF. The puzzles are tricky and not always fairly clued, and there's not much by way of plot. It's mostly worth playing if you really, really like cheese, or if you are in a very silly mood.

-- Emily Short

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