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Mouth of Ashes

by verityvirtue profile


About the Story

I've been to see the elders on the top of their mountain. I've got the cure for my daughter. It's time to go home.

Still undergoing development.

(If you choose to download, note that background images only show up with an internet connection. Working on it, though.)

Page Update History

v.4: 27-Feb-2016 06:26 - Doug Orleans (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed download links
v.3: 25-Sep-2016 12:21 - verityvirtue
Changed cover art
  v.2: 27-Feb-2016 06:26 - verityvirtue
Changed description, genre, Web site URL, download links
v.1: 27-Feb-2016 03:34 - verityvirtue
Created page

Game Details