The Witch's Cauldron

by Dale McLoughlin and Shelley McLoughlin


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Baf's Guide

Trapped in a witch's house and turned into a frog, you must break the enchantment step by step by brewing potions to turn into other animals. It's a promising premise, but the game doesn't take much advantage of it: you spend the bulk of the game as an ape with essentially human capabilities. Very old-school in its sensibilities, and mostly enjoyable, except for some unduly obscure puzzles. Uses misleading error messages, such as "You can't" when you say "UNLOCK DOOR" instead of the expected "UNLOCK SOUTH DOOR". Randomizes the initial locations of some items, occasionally in ways that make it impossible to win. Seeing the pictures is absolutely necessary, as not all items are mentioned in the room descriptions.

-- Carl Muckenhoupt

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